Wah maintenance ???


Rock Star
Richard Cranium
@James Freeman and others.

I bought a bb535 a few years back. Sounds marvellous. But if I power it from a 9vDC source, whenever I activate the wah there is an issue where the wah briefly loses power, and goes really fucking loud with a huge squeal or oscillation type sound. It doesn't do it when powered by a battery.

What should I look at investigate in order to fix this???

It isn't the PSU, and it isn't the PSU cables. Strymon Zuma, and it works fine for everything else, and my other wahs.
Ya, there's not much going on inside a wah and there's plenty of space for shit to flap around and get loose.
Plus having that big hole in the top of the chassis lets in all sorts of dirt and crap.

If you got pets expect to find some hair inside - especially all tangled in the grease used on the pot gear.
Out of curiousity, is the cable from the guitar to the wah shorter than 20’?
For shits and giggles, see what happens with a 20’-25’.
I was just using it tonight with a long ass cable, and just powered by a battery. Everything fine.

But when I unplugged the input, I got a bit sweeping down buzz sine tone thing; high pitched to low pitch. I'm not sure if my other wah does that tbh, but it seems sus. Otherwise it was fine.

I've got some contact cleaner on the way!