This Is So Eff'd Up On SO Many Levels- Ola's Music Stolen!

Some say prostitution is the oldest profession, but musicians have been getting fucked far longer than that.
It's deeper than that though.

If you read down in the comments, someone posts how they use 3-D printing to create art and sell online. He said within, I believe within 2 weeks, someone has copied it, and stuck it on Amazon for 1/3 the price. I'd bet they used A.I.

What I see, and there's evidence all around- just look at YT videos that curate other videos and narrate over top of them- is that people are using A.I. to copy anything that can be done so digitally, and basically stealing it, to make money.

I see this whole thing as being so dangerous, on so many levels, many of which haven't even been thought of yet.

And because so much of it crosses international borders, good luck legislating against it, let alone catching anyone, if you can even prove the guilt!
This has been going on for ever.. At least Ola regained control.
We got ripped of so bad by elements in Russia primarily and China a few years ago off our 2 albums it wasn't funny/ People would send me links to our material on websites we clearly weren't being compensated for. I'd forward the info to our label (never EVER sign with a label) and they'd say there was nothing they could do... And I was thinking, where did they get our material from? Well, when an unreleased unmastered track we sent to the label started showing up on nefarious sites.. What would you think?