This could be THE most annoying rig rundown, ever

Man, i have this love/hate relationship with Polyphia. I can completely appreciate these guys musicianship, which legit blows my mind at times but, at the same time, 90% of their music bores me to death.

I found that solo section which Steve Vai contributed recently to be by far the best part of Ego Death.
Man, i have this love/hate relationship with Polyphia. I can completely appreciate these guys musicianship, which legit blows my mind at times but, at the same time, 90% of their music bores me to death.

I found that solo section which Steve Vai contributed recently to be by far the best part of Ego Death.
I tried watch that yesterday and didn't even make it to Vai.

The musicianship is off the charts, but PING PING PANG PingGg piezo stuff is grating, I just couldn't do it
I'm not sure if they do MIDI sequencing for switching, but I saw them last year and can confirm they basically have the AX8's sitting on their cabs and don't really touch anything live.
I found that solo section which Steve Vai contributed recently to be by far the best part of Ego Death.
That's because every one of their songs sound exactly the same, and Vai's solo was a breath of fresh air. There's no denying their skill and musicianship, but there's no denying my utter boredom listening to it. If we're talking modern players, I'd much rather listen to Aaron Marshall, Plini, Nick Johnston, or Tosin.
Yeah, their music really isn’t my style although they are crazy talented.

I did watch for Vai, because I’m a Via fan, and thought that worked well with the song. He’s still awesome, LOL.
Yeah, their music really isn’t my style although they are crazy talented.

I did watch for Vai, because I’m a Via fan, and thought that worked well with the song. He’s still awesome, LOL.

Agreed, and I was a little surprised at how that was going to flow, but Vai fit right in.

For you other guys, what do you think of "Playing God"? I freaking love that song. All nylon string and wonderful melody throughout, IMO.
Yeah, that rig rundown was painful.

I think the trap Polyphia fall into (especially Tim Henson) is that they try too hard to be "different" just for the sake of being different. It's like they're trying too hard to make a statement about what they're not to stop and think about what they are.

Sometimes that works, and sometimes it falls flat.

I loved the song with Steve Vai. It started off rough, but it seemed like once Vai stepped in it found the direction it was looking for and the whole band clicked around that.
Polyphia are basically a newer Chon, if Chon decided to sneak a triple dose of their A.D.D. medicine while their parents weren’t looking.

Chon at least let a song breath, and occasionally let a riff drive a groove for longer than 5 seconds.

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I think the general sentiment towards them is similar to Yngwie- “Once ya hear one song you’ve heard ‘em all”

Pop slide mute pull-off natural harmonic repeat

They’re still young and skilled enough that they can go in a lot of directions in the future and hopefully they explore those directions. I think it’s AWESOME that they’re getting young/new players interested in guitar and at the level they’re playing at. Watching their live vids they seem to have the attention of both males and females, I know I’ve never seen that many women at a Vai show before!

That newest tune was one that I actually might listen to more than once because I dug the changes and Vai fit in there perfectly. He’s given those guys a lot of props, which is awesome and as cocky as Tim has come off, he hasn’t hid his admiration for Vai a single bit.

Man, i have this love/hate relationship with Polyphia. I can completely appreciate these guys musicianship, which legit blows my mind at times but, at the same time, 90% of their music bores me to death.

I found that solo section which Steve Vai contributed recently to be by far the best part of Ego Death.
I have a hate/hate relationship with them.

I just find it all really naff and a bit twee. No bollocks, no soul, no sledgehammer riffs to hit you in your knobhole.

And I love a lot of plinky plonky shite. But not this. Not this.