has anyone f****d around with an arturia microfreak?
i am thinking about buying one to mess around with for intros and outros and ambient stuff.
edit: we cant cuss here lololol sorry.
that sounds killer, thanks!!!!
is that what you would recommend for a noob looking to get into something cheaply or is there anything else i should consider?
I wanted a K2000 SO BAD back in the day (Mike Fisher of Machines of Loving Grace used one), but couldn't afford it as a teenager. Ended up snagging a GeneralMusic S2 Turbo because everyone else was using Korg O1WFDs; loved that thing (overdrive, distortion, and ping pong delay in the effects library!). Added an Akai S2800 and later, an S5000. Man, I got so much music done back then. Went from making a song from conception to final mix per night to now, spending all day trying to get the kick right. Those late 90s studios were something really special, especially once standalone hard disk recorders replaced ADATs.I was just talking to my dad tonight about forking over his Kurzweil K2000 and his K2600 rack. As dated as they are, I LOVE the sounds in them and with the K2000, I can feel like I’m Rick Wright. I’ve got a Korg Triton rack, the first one I believe. There’s one sound in it I LOVE; it’s the sound Derek Sherinian uses on the intro the “Lines In The Sand”, my favorite synth sound of all time. That dude had some pretty sick sounds.
My latest acquisition. Majella Audio Implexus.
Oooooooooooo! Whatcha think?! Read the review in SOS and it'll actually fit in my rack.