The show must go on and on and on..

Bob Zaod

Rock Star
3 gigs coming up this Saturday. One with the Sabbath Tribute and 2 with the main cover band. The 3rd one was a room we'd been trying to get into that had a cancellation and called on us. Luckily we got them to move the start time an hour later to allow us to break down from the other 2 in the same venue and get across town in time.

I can't remember ever doing a 3fer on the same day. Same weekend, sure many times. I will be basically going from 10am (load in for first gig) til after midnight. Did I mention the lead singer for both bands is sick right now and barely has her voice?

Oy ve.
I’ve only done something like that twice, one was a double-gig day and the other was when I was filling in for two different bands plus my own band. Up in Maine where I grew up they have a Liberty Fest every year for the 4th of July, they put a couple big stages up and let the local bands play, I played 3x that day in 3 different bands. It was basically a bunch of bands playing the same covers every cover band plays and 1 or 2 original bands no one cared about.

It was great because I just left my gear up there and walked around getting tanked. I think that was in ‘99, so I was just a wee lad back then, 17 or 18 years old and still had rockstar dreams floating in my head.

Enjoy it, man! The labor of love aspect will kick in at some point, so just focus on the love part!