Tele Pickups

I think if I could have any pickups in all my guitars they'd probably be Lollars. The Imperials I had were magic. I'd do a set of those Specials as I have a set of K-Lines that are supposed to be very similar and sound good.

I tried Fralin Tele and Strat pickups and they were too bright for me, even the Vintage Hot or Blues Special or whatever higher output ones.

Dimarzio Area T (regular not hot) are good for noiseless although they are hotter and warmer sounding.

I'm messing with the Wilde Microcoil now and those are pretty cool. They don't have high output but are really even in the frequency response instead of being thin or harsh like some pickups. Super affordable too.

And on a budget, I always like the Tonerider stuff. Well made for the price. They have a few different sets.