Sunn O))) Life Pedal

Dom Mcsweeney

I'm a big fan of doomy droney noise making, and I've often thought about getting one of these.

Price difference is crazy mad between Dark / Light mode.
I'm tempted.

Anyone got one? thoughts?

Nice information.

Is the dark/ light only a paint job difference or the dark version has a darker tone compared with the light one?
I'm a big fan of doomy droney noise making, and I've often thought about getting one of these.

Price difference is crazy mad between Dark / Light mode.
I'm tempted.

Anyone got one? thoughts?

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There's a few DIY folks building clones of this, as the PCB is out there.

Also, I like the Helix model of it.

Blending the octave instead of on/off makes it pretty cool.
No idea what the difference is, maybe worth reaching out and asking them?

Could be that one was built in house and another elsewhere that can save some costs? No idea, but the Helix model is great.
Didn't google it, but I'm 99.9% sure it's only the paint job.

The first release was of a different form factor and even more limited/expensive, but they didn't change the parts, afaik.
I only came across Sunn O in 2014 because of the collaboration with the late great Scott Walker on one of his last last albums .


before he sadly passed away in March 2019.

It’s not a easy listen but it has grown on me👍
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I only came across Sunn O a few years ago because of the collaboration with the late great Scott Walker on one of his last last albums back in 2014.


before he sadly passed away in March 2019.
View attachment 39958
It’s not a easy listen but it has grown on me👍
With nice over-ear headphones, I find it calming, like a "brain massage". 😂

Definitely not an allday-listening act tho.