
9's or 10's depending on the guitar , NYXL are my favourite but I am happy to use standard EB or Dadds.
Decided I'm trying to make 9.5's work on all my guitars for simplicity. Some are a little stiffer than others but overall I like the feel.

I can't tell the difference between D'Addario XL's and Ernie Ball Slinkies so I just buy whatever's cheaper.
fender super 250s, 9-46. i am a fender artist, so i get them for pretty cheap. plus, they are rebranded d'addario XLs, so you are getting basically that string with different colored ball ends. :)

used to use ernie ball hybrid slinkys for many decades, and they are wonderful strings, but i can't pass up the pricing i get from fender.
Regular D'addario 11-52 on all my guitars. If I've been playing a lot and my hand gets sore I'll sometimes switch out the high E for a 10 on my strat.
What's everyone using for strings nowadays?

I've been using D'Addario XL 9-42 on most of my guitars in standard tuning...
I've been using the same since the mid-90s. Every once in. awhile I go down a rabbit hole and try something else and within a few hours of play time I pull whatever the other strings are and go back to the D'Addarios.

For me they feel the best, last the longest and )probably just due to how long I've been using them) have the best tension.

On my 7s, I use the XLs, but in 10s cause it's harder to find a set of 9s for 7-stringers and for some reason I like the feel of the thicker strings on a 7.
NYXL 9 80 and swap the 80 for a 76 or a custom set of XTs in the same gauges, I like the slick feeling on the plain strings. The custom XTs are like 25$ a set, guess I'll cancel Netflix to afford strings.
I tell you....I was using 9s on everything. Now I know why I don't like them as much. It was completely by accident.
I was doing some repairs on my singers 84 Japanese Fender strat...I levelled the frets, crowned them, dressed the ends, fixed the trem, cleaned the nut and installed some locking tuners as well as cleaned up some wiring on the switch and pots.

I used the guitar at one of our rehearsals and was absolutely in love with how it sounded and played with the 10s on it. The guitar is a beast!

Now I have converted my strats as well and have not looked back.

These days I am using the D'Adddario XS 10-56 or the X's in the same gauge and I like these the best.
I have some newer Optiwebs that I am going to try as well.
Hmmm .08 - .38 sound really tight, less flubby and more mid focused clarity
anyone ever try or notice this?