So Who Was In Band, Back In School?

Yes. I played the trombone from 5th grade all through my senior year. I played in the jazz band, the wind ensemble, and the pep band (which was a requirement for anyone enrolled in the band class in high school). I also played the tuba, euphonium, and trumpet at various points. I was mediocre at all of them though I did get first chair in the trombone section during my junior and senior years.

One funny story: For the final concert of the year there was a group of seniors who decided to play a prank on our band director. It was a rule that formal attire was required for performances. We convinced the entire jazz band show up in the tackiest Hawaiian shirts we could find at the local thrift store. Our band director had a good laugh about it and then complained that we didn't tell him because he would have worn a Hawaiian shirt as well.
I was homeschooled until high school and then in HS went to an -extremely- small charter school that didn't have band. I took piano lessons from the ages of 5-14, and at 14 I was allowed to start taking guitar lessons which took over my life and here I am now lol

I went to CU Denver for Recording Arts/minor in guitar performance but "took a semester off" after two years and never went back. Randomly got a low level job in a laboratory after that but worked my way up and gained a lot of experience in that area. Now I'm somehow running the analytical department at a different research lab being a music school drop out :LOL:
I was homeschooled until high school and then in HS went to an -extremely- small charter school that didn't have band. I took piano lessons from the ages of 5-14, and at 14 I was allowed to start taking guitar lessons which took over my life and here I am now lol

I went to CU Denver for Recording Arts/minor in guitar performance but "took a semester off" after two years and never went back. Randomly got a low level job in a laboratory after that but worked my way up and gained a lot of experience in that area. Now I'm somehow running the analytical department at a different research lab being a music school drop out :LOL:

I got excommunicated from the guitar school at Metro because I brought an RG7420 and used distortion when I performed my original composition for theory class :rofl

One of the guys from the guitar school told me he used to like that kind of stuff but then he grew up :rolleyes:

I was persona non grata with them after that
That's surprising for a 1st Chair Trumpet... LOL, J/K
Ain't that the truth.........must have been that stylish '76 Monte boat-of-a-car I was drivin'......