Hello, my first post here...I found this forum by googling silent fan for VHT 2902
and I signed up to TGF
I have a VHT 2902 and also a 2562 (both built in 2007. I have discussed at length with David Phelge over on TGP this issue of these awesome power amps having unacceptably loud cooling fans. Clearly Fryette is not going to endorse any user employing a lower CFM fan than they build their power amps with. I mean, I spent most of the past two days trying to locate my 2902 far enough away from my critical listening/ recording/ playing position in my studio. The long cable runs have put me off installing these amps two rooms away! And I'm not spending $5K for a silent server rack. I may well never gig my VHTs...and it is always much colder ambient temp where I live than it ever gets hot.
It had been suggested to me by another TGP member to perhaps try disabling the fans; take the covers off and cool with quieter fans. I have considered that too...again, there is a cost in adding rack silent fans as well. I rack my VHTs with lots of space (1U top and bottom for my 2902) all by itself in a 4U SKB.
So, I was very interested to read this thread by
@Eagle. If you you wouldn't mind updating me with how it is going with your lower CFM fan, I'd really appreciate knowing your latest thoughts on this lower CFM fan mod to your 2502.