Sammy/Satch Opening Night!

Cool! Enjoy! :beer

We were in Chicago all of last week and had a blast. I didn't take a guitar
and ended up not even going to a Music Store. My thirst was strong when
I finally got home. :guiness
Cool! Enjoy! :beer

We were in Chicago all of last week and had a blast. I didn't take a guitar
and ended up not even going to a Music Store. My thirst was strong when
I finally got home. :guiness
Awesome. Yep, heading back tomorrow. My GAS is brewing for sure, and not just from the beer! :ROFLMAO:
Cool experience for certain!!
So,........... clips I've heard close to Joe's amp the 3p sounds really good. Out front not so sure a dozen Marshall clones could not sound very similar?
Hard to tell from clips or thoughts from those who have seen them?

Again I'm sure standing in front of the Dragon amp it rips but talking myself off the cliff here to not buy one :bonk
Cool experience for certain!!
So,........... clips I've heard close to Joe's amp the 3p sounds really good. Out front not so sure a dozen Marshall clones could not sound very similar?
Hard to tell from clips or thoughts from those who have seen them?

Again I'm sure standing in front of the Dragon amp it rips but talking myself off the cliff here to not buy one :bonk

Ya gotta hear it in person, man.

After catching both the Vai/Satch tour and the Sammy tour, it’s the best I’ve ever heard Joe. I’m sure there’s a shitload of amps out there that can cover individual things he was going for and while there was some hype about the amp catering to the VH stuff, it’s the most Joe I’ve ever heard him.

The way I put it before was that through the years it always seemed he was a bit at the mercy of the gear to deliver what he needed without it truly being ‘Joe’, this is probably the most ‘classic hard rock tone’ I’ve ever heard him use, but it’s kind of what I always wanted out of his tones. Not super saturated but he seems to have zero issues with sustain or doing his thing.

I’m not rich enough for that amp, but it sure sounds fucking great!
Ya gotta hear it in person, man.

After catching both the Vai/Satch tour and the Sammy tour, it’s the best I’ve ever heard Joe. I’m sure there’s a shitload of amps out there that can cover individual things he was going for and while there was some hype about the amp catering to the VH stuff, it’s the most Joe I’ve ever heard him.

The way I put it before was that through the years it always seemed he was a bit at the mercy of the gear to deliver what he needed without it truly being ‘Joe’, this is probably the most ‘classic hard rock tone’ I’ve ever heard him use, but it’s kind of what I always wanted out of his tones. Not super saturated but he seems to have zero issues with sustain or doing his thing.

I’m not rich enough for that amp, but it sure sounds fucking great!
Good to know! Funny thing is, the era they are mostly the Sammy era where Ed used a Slo 100 mixed with Marshall so I assume that's what 3P went for. I saw G3 last Feb and Joe used the JVM's which were meh. He was out standing tho!

I owned and gigged with a 3P kitchen sink and will say it was hands down the best designed amp I've used. And I have owned every top end amp out there. I will add a Slo 100 destroys it for punch and clarity of notes though.