Recommendations for a starter amp?

The kid has just started playing guitar, which is super exciting. If it sticks for a couple of months I'm going to pick up a starter amp. Does anyone have recommendations for small, easy-to-use amps with built-in effects (modeling or otherwise)?
Oh, and if you want something very cheap, that will do the job, and you won’t feel guilty about paying for in case he decides that playing guitar isn’t for him, the Blackstar ID:CORE amps are also a good option.
Would an amp increase the odds that he/she sticks to it? If so, why wait? If you buy used you loose a couple of tens tops if you sell.

Yeah, I'm waiting to see if it sticks before I buy an amp. It probably wouldn't be on the radar at all, but everybody in the friend group plays an instrument and they're all keen on starting a band.
A used Marshall DSL40CR combo if you want to hook the little dude by pushing some air.

Headbang GIF
Get the kid a proper halfstack. Uberschall Ultra and uberkab is the only way.

Jk...kind of. If he's trying to start a band you would probably at least want something loud enough.

I would say a 5150 Iconic combo, they sound great for metal (not sure what he plays) and should be plenty loud enough without breaking the bank.

The Katana is great, I have one and like it but wouldn't want to bring that to a drummers house.
The kid has just started playing guitar, which is super exciting. If it sticks for a couple of months I'm going to pick up a starter amp. Does anyone have recommendations for small, easy-to-use amps with built-in effects (modeling or otherwise)?
Buy him what you want. This is called "hedging your bets" or "shorting the sale" or something. :D
At least for me, restarting after 30 years due to mid-life crisis, I found the initial enthusiasm blunted by the reality of the need to practice and learn.

But Drop D and Gain made some fun noise quite easily. I couldn’t do an Em Pent scale for a couple of weeks, but I could bash around with 1 or 2 fingers in Drop D to reinvigorate the enthusiasm.

I also found that Delay helped me with Scale practice. Too boring for me otherwise. And a drum machine/Looper. I may have studied Mathematics a long time ago, but found it very hard to count to 4 in time for 8 bars let alone 12.
