Question about filter caps


Seeking input on a recent build. Back in January I built a Stewmac 66 Deluxe reverb amp. Everything checked out at startup and the amp works fine and sounds good. Prior to build, I went thru and checked all the component values, (resistors, caps, and pots). Everything was pretty much dead on, except the filter caps. The spec values are 16uf, but they all read between 14.6 to 14.8uf. I know some of the Youtube gurus use 22uf caps when replacing old ones. I know the ab763 circuit allows +/-20% tolerances.

Are the cap values running about 14.7uf something to be concerned about. The amp is pretty damn quiet and no hum issues. Running it at 117v with an Amp Maniac and biased at 21ma. New to the forum so don't know who the resident amp techs are. Thanks in advance for thoughts.