Powering a HB ISO 5 with a Power Bank


Long story short.

Our bands rehearsal space is in an outhouse where the guy feeds the power from his parents house, and daisychains his wall power sockets from the last one. One day I was using my pedalboard as normal then certain pedals go dead. All my digital pedals no longer work...period.

Can I power a Harley Benton ISO 5 with a power bank? So I can bypass this issue going forward?

And if so, does it matter what power bank it is? As long as it covers the mA of the pedals? And I guess it'd be a 5v to 12v connector cable from the bank to the ISO 5?

We're still using the rehearsal space as it's affordable.
They are excellent PSUs and I would think the Harley Benton power bricks would work well.
I haven’t tried any with my HB PSUs but it’s something I keep meaning to do.