Petrucci’s Current Touring Rig (TSJMajesty, bring paper towels)


Staff member
Thanks @Ola The Swede!

I bet it doesn’t suck to be Petrucci. I would REALLY love to see his personal collection of guitars. There was a pic a while back, from the book that was done about his rigs over the years and there’s shelves of EBMM cases behind him, that was about 10 years ago, if not more, so I’d imagine that collection increased. Not to mention whatever Ibanez stuff he still has.

Edit, found the pic-

The dude also keeps his rigs and builds new ones for tours, as evident by this pic-

Those aren’t backup/duplicates, those are entirely different f*cking rigs he’s used on different tours. Note the different Mesa’s and different effects in each rack. Pre-AxeFX rigs.

His old rigs aren’t in there, so it’s possible those were broken down-

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I love the drawer full of dirt pedals just for sh*ts and giggles. Most dudes go on tour only bringing precisely what they know they need and want zero changes while they’re on the road, but they’re not gear nerds.


But what’s up with the legit labels on the Mastermind? Clean 1, Clean 2, Crunch 1, Crunch 2? Scribble strips are for 7th grader humor like C*********** and F****ng*um******ster. Way to grow up, Petrucci.
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I'd really love a walkthrough of his rig from the Scenes From a Memory tour. The show at the Roseland that was recorded for the DVD, specifically.
That is probably my most-watched concert video, with (imo) JP's best tones of all time. It's huge and thick without any of the bloat, and it's not too much gain either - just the right balance. I found some crappy photos of his two racks from that tour, but there's so much there! I want DEETS.


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That last picture looks like he’s playing a Uke. Shame all those tonal possibilities are wasted on the stuff he’s written over the last decade plus.
That last picture looks like he’s playing a Uke. Shame all those tonal possibilities are wasted on the stuff he’s written over the last decade plus.

But they still play the previous 20 decades of his output!
I'm really taken aback by how small his rig has been getting over the years.

Something something... convenience portability
Those Majesty's are fairly flashy but I gotta say; I dig the heck out of them. His rig is like the best of everything put together :chef

He had a hand in designing everything he uses except the AxeFX. Just think of that; you go to play guitar and literally everything you use is the best you can possibly think of it being. Even better, when companies sell that gear it makes you money! That’s a dream come true.
He’s got a really cool rig but I just can’t get into Dream Theater. I like Pull Me Under and that’s about it.
I was a Dream Theater fan for a few months in high school before I realized DT is female repellent. I like John, I enjoyed Mike when he was still in it, not really into James. I like the idea of DT, just not the execution.
I was a Dream Theater fan for a few months in high school before I realized DT is female repellent. I like John, I enjoyed Mike when he was still in it, not really into James. I like the idea of DT, just not the execution.

I listened to most of Images and Words today. The best parts of DT are when they basically sound like Queensryche, and the worst parts are everything that was bad about the 80's that Nirvana helped to blow up.
Ha, opposite for me, but I'm a millennial.

Same although I'm an older one at nearly 40.

I'm listening to the last track on I&W right now and it sounds like video game music. I keep thinking "oh this sounds like something from a Final Fantasy game I haven't played".

Planning to keep running through their albums to see what sticks. I will say the first five minutes of Metropolis I were pretty cool.
Same although I'm an older one at nearly 40.

I'm listening to the last track on I&W right now and it sounds like video game music. I keep thinking "oh this sounds like something from a Final Fantasy game I haven't played".

Planning to keep running through their albums to see what sticks. I will say the first five minutes of Metropolis I were pretty cool.
Train of Thought was the only DT album I've owned and thoroughly listened to. I'm really not into LaBrie's vocals and lyricism
It's like Limp Bizkit, I like the instrumentation 80% of the time but I can only ignore the Frontman for so long before I start shedding brain cells

I stumbled onto their latest video somehow and caught myself thinking "this isn't terrible" aside from the "vocals".