Paint Audio CE-1

Alex Kenivel

Rock Star
TGF Recording Artist
Interesting, Mr. Wilson


Is that a QC enclosure?
It's what the QC should have been long long time ago with their plugin compatibility.

But speaking of the before mentioned CE-1 - It's just a windows tablet with knobs. But their pricing seems to be very competitive.

EDIT: The fact that I've gone through a couple of Android tablets and one Windows tablet which are now all in the recycling bin while my relatives iPad from 2017 is still kicking doesn't make me want to invest my time and money into something like this anymore..
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It's what the QC should have been long long time ago with their plugin compatibility.

But speaking of the before mentioned CE-1 - It's just a windows tablet with knobs.
I think the route they went with how the QC routing works / looks is more efficient for its main purpose. Sure, the plugin UIs on the desktop are inspiring etc but when you're gigging, it'll have to be a function over form kind of thing IMHO.
So cool - Mr. Wilson strikes again!

Is that a QC enclosure?
Very similar, but no. (Or perhaps modified*?) The screen is actually larger, and the switches, etc. are slightly different.

But speaking of the before mentioned CE-1 - It's just a windows tablet with knobs. But their pricing seems to be very competitive.
What is the pricing? I can't find any information on this. Is this just a prototype, or is it actually in production?

I have to admit, if it had been announced earlier, I might not have been as quick to order a 2nd QC. It's a very interesting proposition for those of us (all 3 LOL) who are into Jam Origin MIDI guitar.

That said, the UI is only going to be as good as that of whatever app/ plugin you're running. On a screen that small, that's usually going to mean having a mouse and keyboard handy... And a pair of reading glasses.

*After watching the video, I'd say this is a brand new enclosure, and not a modded QC. It's very obviously inspired by the QC, though. The :pitchforks "NDSP stole everything from everyone" crowd finally get their revenge LOL.
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That device will be an absolute fail, if it ever hits the market.
By what measure? I doubt Paint Audio is expecting to outsell the POD Go with this one.

If he ships a few and generates some revenue, and doesn’t blow himself up dealing with customer support, that’s about par with the rest of his business model. That business model resulted in the MIDI Captain, which was a godsend for me. Likewise, I’ll want one of these to experiment with, if the price is reasonable.
By what measure? I doubt Paint Audio is expecting to outsell the POD Go with this one.

If he ships a few and generates some revenue, and doesn’t blow himself up dealing with customer support, that’s about par with the rest of his business model. That business model resulted in the MIDI Captain, which was a godsend for me. Likewise, I’ll want one of these to experiment with, if the price is reasonable.
Well, my reasoning is based on 2 points (at least).

The first one is that pedals that are actually windows computers housed in pedal enclosures, and that are meant to run plugins on windows... Don't work well. Much better having a laptop or a proper computer, with an interface. There have been several attempts to do that in the past, and all failed.

The second one is, if I'm not mistaken, that paint audio is what previously was Melo Audio. I had the TS Mega and it was garbage. Both hardware and electronic were garbage. The converters were horrendous. The switches were the worst I've seen. There are lots of users reporting fails. The built in analog boost was unusable (it sounded more noise than signal).

So... Yeah, I guess that, if these guys were a good company, they would have little chances to make a PC-pedal work. But being who they are... Chances are actually zero.

Open to be proved wrong if they manage to succeed, though.
Well, my reasoning is based on 2 points (at least).

The first one is that pedals that are actually windows computers housed in pedal enclosures, and that are meant to run plugins on windows... Don't work well. Much better having a laptop or a proper computer, with an interface. There have been several attempts to do that in the past, and all failed.

The second one is, if I'm not mistaken, that paint audio is what previously was Melo Audio. I had the TS Mega and it was garbage. Both hardware and electronic were garbage. The converters were horrendous. The switches were the worst I've seen. There are lots of users reporting fails. The built in analog boost was unusable (it sounded more noise than signal).

So... Yeah, I guess that, if these guys were a good company, they would have little chances to make a PC-pedal work. But being who they are... Chances are actually zero.

Open to be proved wrong if they manage to succeed, though.
You make some good points, but I think you’re crossing a few wires here.

First, pedals that were designed to load VSTs have typically failed because the effort to develop custom OS and UI to load any variety of VST (at time of release and going forward), is so daunting. And it sets an expectation for ease of use and reliability that isn’t realistic. The CE-1 is closer to what you describe as the better solution - a laptop and an interface - but integrated into one enclosure, with footswitches. I could see this being extremely useful for certain applications. (Though surely not for all…)

As for Melo Audio, I don’t know what relation, if any, there is to Paint Audio, but I have written EXTENSIVELY about how badly the MIDI Commander sucked. (OMG those switches…) The MIDI Captain is worlds apart - an excellent device and a great value IMO.
As for Melo Audio, I don’t know what relation, if any, there is to Paint Audio
I'm more than confident that they're the same company. They might have improved, though. But my experience is what I can speak of.

Regarding the device... Well, I wouldn't trust it anywhere near a PC-of-your-choice + interface + midi controller, which you can upgrade if power has become insufficient, be sure about AD/DA controllers quality, be sure about the MIDI controller quality or expand/shrink it as needed, etc.

VSTs for live use in a format different than a proper computer+interface only seems to be feasible in the QC format, and look how hard the process is being for them.

Another guy presented a mini pc based system to run VSTs months ago. It had a touch screen and whatever. He planned to sell it in the 1k ballpark. I've heard nothing else from that project. I thought it was impossible to make it totally useful for live use, and it has little life span. And for that price, I can't find the point. And if it is for home use... Well, obviously it loses any sense.

Well, my practical prediction is the one I've made above. I'm standing by it. I guess only time will prove me wrong (or right... ha!).