Overpriced and overrated NGD for a Suhr Fanboi


Picked this up today. Has the Woodshed pickup in the bridge and the Asato sig pickup in the neck. Soft v neck. Black is nicely checked so not over the top relic-ing. Been playing it for hours through the Uberschall of all amps and it sounds great. Hard to beat a really good tele.

Hard to fault Suhr. I am still surprised that he didn’t go over the the Gotoh “ in tune” series Tele bridges though. Great guitar, enjoy.
I don’t get the title. The guitar looks great. I bet it plays like a dream. Congrats!
Some have claimed some guitar makers like Suhr and Tyler make guitars that are overpriced and overrated. In that light it was me being tongue in check with my title.

Yes it plays and sounds great. Not all Suhr’s do but the ones that do are IMHO worth the price of admission