It's the mids and the low end for me - a little like a big muff (not as extreme), it sounds epic on its own but to work in a band arrangement you need an amp/cab voicing and response that works for it. It's a big scooped and IIRC the clipping is to a floating point rather than ground, so the distortion kind of follows your dynamics rather than something like a rat, ds1, klon etc where the clipping point is fixed. Again, this makes it feel very responsive to pick attack on its own but I think once it's in a mix, pedals that clip at a fixed threshold feel better to play into for me.
Plus the output impedance thing - when I had mine back in 2010-12, I really struggled with the thing where it sounded awesome on its own pushing signal into the amp, but then I'd turn on the true bypass delay after it so suddenly it was driving 6 inches rather than 20 feet of cable and it got way brighter and fizzier.
All that said, if it works for you, that's all that matters. Just know this: When I assume control of the world, everyone who likes the OCD will be rounded up into work camps.