It made me break my “read only” resolution
Regarding neck resets…the vintage Gibsons I have owned didnt seem to change further over time…so maybe after 75 years..when its good today it Will be tommorow? If you still have some wiggel room on the bridge..thats your failsafe. After that..replace bridge….or file its components down. Many of these instruments had some of their bridges reduced at the base / or where they rest on the adjustment wheel. And…a neck reset isnt the end of the world either. If the price of vintage stuff keeps going like it has last couple of years…allthough you need it out of pocket..on paper you got the cost of a reset covered

Anyway…dont worry about it..if it can be dealt with..
I own a Byrdland (74) that has 0,5 mm left on the bridge..but has been like this for 4 years.
Two pick up 225…wouldnt that be a 125T?
L7s, Es 120T..those are also on the affordable side of the spectrum.
If you ever want a pup on this one at the neck/bridge…the Dearmond rythm chief is maybe an option to do it non destructive.