None more black.


I always wanted an inexpensive Klon but didn’t care for the look on most. This stunner caused me to pull the trigger. If it sounds 5/8ths of how good it looks, I’m set.

Excellent choice sir you won’t be disappointed 🤘
I’ve got all the WA Centavo pedals in three colours .
View attachment 33568
I also have the new black JHS NOTAKLON
View attachment 33569
Nice group! Good to hear you like the WA’s! How would you compare the JHS units?

Oh and you’re missing one!

Yikes. That unit was HUGE and not what I expected tonally. Sent it back and ordered a Walrus Audio EB-10 (black of course) on sale at $159.

Maybe that’ll do the trick.

I’d like to dip my toes into the Klone world, but I’m holding off until I satisfy all the Gilmour stuff first. I use the Klone frequently in the AxeFX, more than any other boost, I just need to watch out for falling down rabbit holes with that shit.
A brown box arrived earlier from Texas with two Warm Audio limited edition pedals a T shirt and Cap in it 👍



Gilmour stuff?

Are you chasing the rabbit down the Gilmour tone rabbit hole? That world is almost, by a hair, as big as the EVH "brown sound" rabbit hole... including how many people talk about his tone.

I remember this site:

Yeah, it's my 'hobby within my passion' to recreate Gilmour tones, particularly his live tones from '94 and the Division Bell.