



Bought this from TGP member “mystixboi”, he lives in the next town over from me, and we’ve exchanged guitars in the past.

It’s a Firefly Elite FFLPS. I fell in love with the “color shift” finish (looks purple in the last photo).

Quality and fit/finish is pretty damn good. I could probably find a flaw if I’m looking hard for it, but I’m not that interested in finding flaws, I’m more about how it plays and sounds.

These are tough, because there isn’t a ton of info out there about them. The fretboard LOOKS like rosewood, but feels like ebony. I think they used Richlite for a period?

Neck is straight, action is low, everything feels substantial. Tuners are a dead copy for Grovers, and feel tight, with no play.

The switch feels better than the (now intermittently failing) switch on my Harley Benton LP. I’ll probably replace the pots, as they are high friction, and I’m a low friction guy.

Stainless steel frets, which I’m ALL about, these days.

Pickups sound pretty good, albeit a little bassy compared to my other guitars. I’ll leave them in and listen for a while before I change them, if I change them at all.

What can I say, this thing rocks!