Well look at that a PRS? LOLAll the typical guitar terms that must go away actually do apply here
Well look at that a PRS? LOL
Very nice man!
I keep coming back to look at the top
I was going to order my first PRS this morning, but seems like no one at my facility got paid today
This is my 4th and most high end. I had a Vela that I traded away. I still have a S2 Standard and a CE-24. Those are staying in the family.
s2 semihollow Vela is what's going to be inbound pending the accounting department getting their s**t together.
Did you dislike something about your vela?
It seemed to lack its own identity. Not quite a Tele or a PRS or anything else. More like a bunch of parts thrown together. It felt odd to me. I'd think I might have liked the semi-hollow better though.