Newbie Question: How to record guitars into DAW with plugins?


Hello, everyone!

I have been recording directly from my modeler into my DAW since I started doing projects for years! My family moved to a smaller home, and I no longer have my play/studio room. Instead, I am in a closet inside the laundry/utility room. I now have Neural's Archetype Abasi and planning to sell the modeler in an attempt to be minimalistic.

I have a question, if I may. Please understand that I am not a pro recorder, but just a hobbyist and just learn as I go. I see that I can record dry, and then play around with my guitar plugin later. I am sure that I am not the only person who uses multiple guitar tracks in a project, right? So... how do I use the plugin? Do I use the plugin in each track with different tone settings? I tried it and it seems my DAW wouldn't let me go more than 2 tracks with the plugin.

Do you record dry on one track, and reamp on another track wet?

Thank you in advance!
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So... how do I use the plugin?
On your track turn on recording and turn on "monitor" (or how ever it's called in your DAW), and now you play and the plug in is doing its thing. You don't even have to record what you're playing.

Do I use the plugin in each track with different tone settings?
If you want different tones, yes. One track where you set you plugin to clean, other for distortion, third one for...

I tried it and it seems my DAW wouldn't let me go more than 2 tracks with the plugin.
No idea why, even average PCs can run many tracks.
Write which DAW and plugin you're using, maybe some one will be able to help.

Do you record dry on one track, and reamp on another track wet?
You can, but there's no point it doing it when working with plugins, as far as I know, I'm also just a hobbyist. Your dry is there, saved, when you render out, plugin will do its thing on it.
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Write which DAW and plugin you're using, maybe some one will be able to help.


Seriously, @littlebadboy, that's the most important thing.
Your computer specs might be sort of relevant, too.

I use Magix Samplitude as my DAW.

My humble rig is just an old Lenovo T450 with the following:
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5300U CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.29 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
To minimize the instances of the plug youre running you can always create a bus for each tone (clean, crunch etc) and then just route all your tracks for those given tones to that bus. So if you are double or quad tracking a part, only one instance of the plug is running since all those tracks are routing to that particular bus. I had to figure that out quick myself otherwise my computer would start the self destruct sequence running 327 plugs simultaneously.