New UGD: 00's Ibanez AF95

One that I think was brought to my attention by @AFKAEjay was the GB30 George Benson semi-hollow sig guitar from the 80s

Also came in red with similarly blacked out hardware:

The newer GB10 small body hollow body George Benson's are super cool, but the floating mini hums just don't QUITE have enough oomph for my taste.
I like that Cherry Red. :love
My '77 has worn fairly well,

That's awesome! I played a Musician MC300 in the late 70s and then about 15 years ago I bought one for nostalgia reasons and all the gold hardware looked so cool on it. Just like yours actually!
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That’s basically a painted version of mine;
With the flats -- man, those unwound strings get really pokey! Do I need to go in and lower pole pieces on those two strings to get a more even balance or some other trick? I'm digging the flats quite a bit...which is just going to make me want to find another hollowbody so I can have one strung with rounds around, to, because the rounds are much better for t-bone walker/jump blues type stuff :bonk :bonk