New Keeley Oct/Fuzz

Cool! :cheers

I used to work at that exact Music Store when I was a young'un... and it was Cook's Music. :headbang

So cool to see that Brian has kept it up and running. Even flourishing. B's is actually one of the
Nation's top Music Retailers now.
That’s pretty awesome! I haven’t been to the shop itself but my wife’s got a work conference up that way in May so I was going to pop up on her last day and hit up the store.
That’s pretty awesome! I haven’t been to the shop itself but my wife’s got a work conference up that way in May so I was going to pop up on her last day and hit up the store.

Cool! Let me know when---if you want---and I'll zip down that way for the day.

If you like Korean there's a killer place a few blocks south of B's. :love
Bah! Didn't even get to use it. Footswitch failure right out of the box.

Can see it in the dumb photo I posted. It's so obvious.

How did I not notice it until now??


I am pretty patient and forgiving when it comes to consumer goods and retailers,
but I am getting a bit impatient with B's.

No reply all day yesterday. Today I get a reply asking for more info and pics. WTF?

I literally never plugged it in. It had a busted FS out of the box. I sent them photos
and they said, "We are going to decide how to proceed, and will let you know."

Uhmmmm..... that is not the proper response. :facepalm

Why can't they, "We'll get a replacement out to you ASAP, and have sent you a
return label to send the original pedal back."

The end.

But no. I get foot dragging and frustration. :wat
Sent them another message. Shipping label showed up 5 minutes later. :columbo

Why do I have to be the one to bring it up?

Once they get it back (next week) they'll send me a replacement. Which will take
another week.

The Princess Bride Boo GIF by filmeditor


I am not going to die, but still.... come on man!
Sent them another message. Shipping label showed up 5 minutes later. :columbo

Why do I have to be the one to bring it up?

Once they get it back (next week) they'll send me a replacement. Which will take
another week.

The Princess Bride Boo GIF by filmeditor


I am not going to die, but still.... come on man!

That’s a bummer. You’d think they’d have been quicker to take care of the problem and not need prodding. Seems dumb.
Yup. I told them as much, too. In the nicest way possible, of course. :grin

If they were a tad closer I would have just roadtripped it there and
back----but that would eat up an entire day---so in the mail it goes. :idk
Running it into the Engl Power Amp Simulation the Fractal. Probably not ideal. :LOL:

It's fun. It f'ing sounds great. But holy Secondary Features Batman.

They out-Strymon'd themselves on those. :stirthepot

It is a lot to process.
Curious how you get on with it @la szum I use it all the time. The fuzz channel is thick wall of death. :ROFLMAO: It booted my Op Amp off the board. I stack the detune mode with it a lot to get some movement too.

I haven’t messed too much with the secondary controls. I think I set the tilt to roll off some high end on the pitch, but that was like 10 minutes after getting it and I never bothered with a secondary feature again. Haha
Sweet. :beer

I've had the POGs and HOGs in the past, and still have a Whammy DT. This thing
sounds a tad less artificial than all of those, and tracks better. And it doesn't take
up a 1/4 mile of Real Estate in doing so. :LOL:

The Fuzzes (3 modes) all sound great---just different. They did a great job of offering
up a Scooped/Mid Empty Fuzz, a Neutral Fuzz, and a Mid Forward/Punchy Fuzz. I'm
going to be running a Bass or two through those tomorrow.

Bled knob = Useful. :chef

Detune = Who needs Chrous?? :idk

I am going to set up a Compressor in front, and already have it patched into the Fractal
on the back end for some FX. Fun piece of kit that does a variety of unique things in a
friendly format. No wonder it made a ton of 2024 Gear Of The Year Lists.

Well done, Oklahoma! :love
On the build side a couple of the knobs/pots feel less than sturdy. My only beef so far.