New Keeley Oct/Fuzz

It sounds massive through my phone speakers. I'm betting through studio monitors even better \m/ is that in front of an amp in the III?

Yeah I ran it into the low input of a 2204 on the III. The levels were off running the pedal straight into the front of the III but did much better in a loop on the Axe with me running the guitar straight in to the Axe.

The fuzz is thiccccc. It’s muff through and through. The fuzz modes do some nice EQ shifts which I think will be great for different guitars, but it wants to go full flamethrower with that blanket of fuzz. No chill.
Yeah I ran it into the low input of a 2204 on the III. The levels were off running the pedal straight into the front of the III but did much better in a loop on the Axe with me running the guitar straight in to the Axe.

The fuzz is thiccccc. It’s muff through and through. The fuzz modes do some nice EQ shifts which I think will be great for different guitars, but it wants to go full flamethrower with that blanket of fuzz. No chill.
You're not helping me here :ROFLMAO:
Been playing the hell out of it. Comped the various fuzzes and pitches in the AxeFX vs it. I don’t think there is anything magical in the pedal that you can’t get with other pedal combos or something like the Axe. If anything both sides of the deck are just tuned to play nice with each other. But the big difference is that using the pedal is a breeze vs toggling a zillion block libraries in Axe, because the pedal has 9 different pitch modes and each of those can be used pitch up, pitch down or both. So 27 different flavors. :wat I think that explains why I haven’t explored a ton of pitch stuff on the Axe, and it kind of underlines for me why pedals are still awesome, because they are quick and easy to control.

The muff side is phat (like your mom) but seems to place nicer with more complex chords than my op amp big muff which only reliably likes power chords or something like big open chords. A muff will never be an articulate thing, but this one doesnt create a bunch of weird undertones or anything. The modes for punch, psi, and scoop don’t really make it a new type of tone, but are nice to tune the fuzz to the guitar you pick. My RG likes punch and my LP likes PSI and Scoop.

Cool pedal. Has inspired me to play a lot this weekend.
they are quick and easy to control.

(like your mom)

the void america GIF
If you haven't tried a Fuzz Bender yet, I highly recommmend you do.
I liked mine, but sold it on without regrets.

Honeymoon was nice, but as that was over, I discovered a certain fizz that I wasn't able to dial out and couldn't ever unhear.

Definitely not a bad fuzz, it's very tweakable and sounds cool, but we decided to part ways a few months in. No tears were shed. 🤷‍♂️