New Friedman IR-X preamp

That’s money better spent on something impulsive and completely unnecessary.
What do you mean?

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I agree, the power amp sim could have been better and this update has also reignited my interest.

The IR-D tone is based on a modded JTM45 circuit and so it's the slightly more vintage sounding of the two tube preamp pedals.

I daresay you could dial it in to get close to a 1959 sort of tone, based on Henning Pauly's demo where he puts it up against a Marshall SV20H and tries to EQ it to sound similar.

Thanks, that’s helpful! And I’ll check out that vid.

I’m a Fender amp fan, but also a Plexi run fairly clean with a BD-2 is one of my favorite “indie” / “alternative” tones lately. Sounds like the IR-D would be right for me.
Hopefully someone can chime in on the tonal and operational differences with update, because I’m at least about 4 days away from doing it.