New colors look terrible in dark theme

I love the new look. Anybody bitching about it can go slam their dick in a door. :popcorn
Why wood I want to break a perfectly good door like that?.........
Will nothing be done about the broken support with the Light style and Dark Reader or the invisible quoted @names in dark more?
To me, the current dark style looks unbalanced and way too dark and what I was using previously no longer work but only on TGF.
I'm starting to think our overlords don't want to listen to feedback and take the "they'll get used to this" approach.
I voice my dissatisfaction with this change again and hope it does not fall on deaf ears.
Not that I request reasons, but I got no reply when I asked WHY was this change necessary, everything looked and worked marvelously before.
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I find the dark much more pleasurable easier to read and use.👍
What I don’t like are all the flashing moving gif pictures people post.👎
Is there enough approval form the satisfied members to ignore the unsatisfied ones?
Judging by how the forum looks in the past week, it seems so, very unfortunate. 😑
Still, it does look better than the abysmal yellow TDPRI, but only slightly.
Well if we are going to start counting, I approve of the new theme (at least dark mode, have not looked at light mode). I run dark mode in just about everything because I hate staring into the light (I am not a moth and I do not want to go into the light) ;~)) The dialing back of the white a few days back for dark mode I thought made it near perfect for my taste. “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time!” - John Lydgate.
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Is there enough approval form the satisfied members to ignore the unsatisfied ones?
Judging by how the forum looks in the past week, it seems so, very unfortunate. 😑
Still, it does look better than the abysmal yellow TDPRI, but only slightly.

Are you still using the Dark Reader plugin to view this site?

What happens if you switch of the Dark Reader plugin for just this site?

Certainly, I complained that the contrast was too extreme on day one, but it's been addressed; it's okay now.
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What I don’t like are all the flashing moving gif pictures people post.👎
Me too.

Put these two lines in your Adblocker to eliminate all GIF images from TGF.
I also block GiPHy domain completely.

Are you still using the Dark Reader plugin to view this site?
Not anymore, it scrambles the colors in Light style, which is what I'm asking to fix.
I use the Dark style for the lack of any other option.
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