Neural DSP Quad Cortex doubler on real amp: Aristides 060 into Engl Savage 120


Just trying to give a feel of what this setup would sound like live with the output running into the FOH.

I’m running into the front end of the Quad Cortex, which sends a boosted signal into the Engl Savage 120. This is hooked up to a Suhr Reactive Load IR, which then feeds the signal back into the Quad Cortex, where it goes through IR cabinets and is also processed with onboard EQs before going into the doubler, and then into a reverb. This signal is then captured by my DAW.
Sharing multiple sources to watch/listen, as funny things happen on the internet!

Everyone’s free to wear sunscreen!

Hey, please enjoy my Christmas present to everyone on the forums.

These are three captures of my very precious (to me) Mesa Boogie Quad preamp and Rectifier Stereo 2:100 power amp.

I hope you like them!