NAM: Neural Amp Modeler

What does this mean then?!

I think it’s FAAMG now - Microsoft managed to replace Netflix while consistently creating the worlds worst browser experiences.
A joke may be whooshing over my head here, but Facebook is Meta, hence DI's MAMAA.


Put those M's and A's in any order you please.
Just curious, because I haven’t been following NAM that much…

But what are the current options for a pedal or “player” that supports full NAM captures that aren’t downgraded or converted to an alternative format?
A joke may be whooshing over my head here, but Facebook is Meta, hence DI's MAMAA.


Put those M's and A's in any order you please.
He had by originally written FAANG.

In either event, they will probably all be one company in a couple years anyway.
Hi there,
Nam XT version 1.1 is available right now. We fixed a lot of stuff. Thanks for your patience and support. Details👇👇👇

Responsive design fixes on resizing to the different aspect ratios on main plugin panel and dialog windows.
Fixed ‘Successfully imported’ dialog on cancelled import operation.
Fixed invisible file chooser bug where file chooser windows stays hidden on import operation.
Added an alert when selected input mode (mono/stereo) and nam loader mode / operation is incompatible.
Fixed a NaN value bug when calculating IR filter coefficients.
Changed process spec initialization logic to fix sample rate related bugs when opening the app.
Fixed preset and state recalls in Loopy Pro and AUM.
Fixed mono-to-stereo signal path.
Added -3db pan law.
@ArteraDSP I'm confused - why is there both GigFast Lite and NAM XT in the app store? They both seem very similar and are both from your company? What's the difference?

Is NAM XT simply your new version and GigFast Lite will be phased out and disappear? 🤔
@ArteraDSP I'm confused - why is there both GigFast Lite and NAM XT in the app store? They both seem very similar and are both from your company? What's the difference?

Is NAM XT simply your new version and GigFast Lite will be phased out and disappear? 🤔
NAM XT is just a NAM profile loader with extended capabilities. GigFast has our amp models and have fx and it is a complete amp sim suite that happens to have NAM loading capability as well. We wanted to give people a well priced choice if they only interested in NAM importing.