NAD Two Rock


Vintage Deluxe arrived this morning. Letting it acclimatize before turning it on as it's been out in the cold for a few days. :beer
Thanks everyone. The 1x15 cab is also a new one for me. My other amps are 1x12 combo(s) and a head/2x12 cab. The TR cab sounds great. It's rated at 100 watts, which is similar to many 12 inch speakers, but sounds big.
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That F'ing Hawt! :love

Update on any thoughts?? :idk
Update. Clean tones are similar to my Louis Electric Columbia Reverb but bigger, really great vintage blackface. This is on 20 watt mode, as the Columbia is 18 watts. The TR is way more versatile tho. The gain you can get is significantly more. Then there are the switches...the texture switch flattens up your's actually similar to the lean/Lush switches on the Carr Telstar. Bright switch and tonestack bypass are pretty handy(bright switch less so for me). Tonestack and trem can be activated via footswitch. Very cool.

I cranked it today Master and Gain all the way up and it was crazy loud through the 1x15..and that's in 20 watt mode...I picked up a Fryette PS-2A so I can get the most out of the amp and add an fx loop after the power section. The loop on the TR is a passive one. The Fryette will work great with the non MV Columbia as well(it has no loop). Of all the TR amps this one and the TS1 are the ones that I would go for. The Vintage Deluxe doesn’t disappoint.
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