My pics from the Gilmour Auction


Staff member
For some reason I never uploaded everything I shot that day, but I did it last night-

There’s a bunch of stuff in there GIlmour fans will recognize from over the years and then some rare, cool stuff like the blue Hank Marvin Strat that, IIRR, was a Fender custom made in the 50’s specifically for Hank, a replica of the #0001 Strat, the bass that was used on “On The Turning Away” and “High Hopes” (maybe “Hey You”?), etc. Forgive the ample Red Strat pics, but there’s definitely no other shots that detail it as much as those on the internet!






No clue if he ever played that particular Black Strat, but it came from his collection and that’s cool enough for me!!
For some reason I never uploaded everything I shot that day, but I did it last night-

There’s a bunch of stuff in there GIlmour fans will recognize from over the years and then some rare, cool stuff like the blue Hank Marvin Strat that, IIRR, was a Fender custom made in the 50’s specifically for Hank, a replica of the #0001 Strat, the bass that was used on “On The Turning Away” and “High Hopes” (maybe “Hey You”?), etc. Forgive the ample Red Strat pics, but there’s definitely no other shots that detail it as much as those on the internet!

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No clue if he ever played that particular Black Strat, but it came from his collection and that’s cool enough for me!!
That single pickup super strat with that flame.....Jesus....that thing is gorgeous.
Wow. Epic. I had no idea you did this. How cool. :love

It was perfect timing. My engagement party was taking place in Massachusetts the same week the auction was going down so I had a good reason to be a couple hours away from it and there was no stopping me!

I’ve gotten a lot of shit for saying this, but touching the Red Strat was a highlight of my life and one of the few great memories I’ve retained of my ex, because it was at her insistence that I touch it as she kept eyes on the curator so I didn’t get kicked out. I put a fingerprint right under the bridge and walked around Manhattan with this doofy look on my face after. :rofl



To anyone: If you've never tried the shortened whammy bar that Gilmour uses you should.
It actually really helps in nailing his stuff.

Nice T btw! (y)


To anyone: If you've never tried the shortened whammy bar that Gilmour uses you should.
It actually really helps in nailing his stuff.

Nice T btw! (y)

It’s actually a bitch trying to nail his stuff without it being shortened. A whole book could be written on his finger/trem vibrato and the differences alone.
It was perfect timing. My engagement party was taking place in Massachusetts the same week the auction was going down so I had a good reason to be a couple hours away from it and there was no stopping me!

I’ve gotten a lot of shit for saying this, but touching the Red Strat was a highlight of my life and one of the few great memories I’ve retained of my ex, because it was at her insistence that I touch it as she kept eyes on the curator so I didn’t get kicked out. I put a fingerprint right under the bridge and walked around Manhattan with this doofy look on my face after. :rofl

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Doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!! :love
Is most of that Gilmour gear at the Irsay Museum in Indianapolis now?

Nah, just the Black Strat and I think the "Wish You Were Here" acoustic, but I could be wrong about that. Kenny Wayne Sheperd has played the Black Strat a couple times now.

I'm a pretty big snob when it comes to other people playing Gilmour solos, but that gets my approval. He didn't fuck it up by throwing in a bunch of fucking shredding, only strayed from the original towards the end and still put his own stamp on it.
Nah, just the Black Strat and I think the "Wish You Were Here" acoustic, but I could be wrong about that. Kenny Wayne Sheperd has played the Black Strat a couple times now.

I'm a pretty big snob when it comes to other people playing Gilmour solos, but that gets my approval. He didn't fuck it up by throwing in a bunch of fucking shredding, only strayed from the original towards the end and still put his own stamp on it.

I was disappointed to find Gilmour not playing his Time solo the way it was recorded though. Feels too iconic to me, to not. Oh well...
I was disappointed to find Gilmour not playing his Time solo the way it was recorded though. Feels too iconic to me, to not. Oh well...

I don't think I've ever heard him play the solo on the album, he usually stays around 90% of it and improvises the rest.


(My favorite, the tone is just.....ugggggh, that uni-vibe, those notes are goin' for a swim!)

I don't think I've ever heard him play the solo on the album, he usually stays around 90% of it and improvises the rest.


(My favorite, the tone is just.....ugggggh, that uni-vibe, those notes are goin' for a swim!)

He hits more of the highlights than I remembered.
Not to detail, but if anyone hasn’t played a real analog uni-vibe before, you owe it to yourself to try it at least once.

I once played a few shows where my rig was just Strat -> Fuzz Face -> Fulltone Deja Vibe -> 2x Pro Juniors in stereo through 2x12 cabs with greenbacks.

It was one of the coolest sounding and most fun rigs I’ve ever used
That's awesome! Reminds me of when I got to see and touch the Stanley Cup forever ago.