Most Everyone Likes Pantera, What About Pissing Razors?

Is that like sh!tting tacks?

ronald mcdonald clown GIF
I actually think I saw these guys back in the late 90s early 00s? I wasn't big on Pantera clones at the time and wasn't much of a fan iirc.
I'm trying to figure out who I saw them with back in the day? This was right at the time when every hardcore kid that discovered Hatebreed walked around in a wifebeater shirt and got knuckle tattoos :nails:rofl
I would have went haha

I never understood Hatebreed though most people don't understand a lot of the music I like.
Man, I haven’t heard that name since the mid-late 90’s! They used to get played on a station in Maine every now and then. I have to look at my Strat case when I get home, I may have their name written on it as I sat there with a silver sharpie one night writing every band name that came on the radio and I dug the song.