More (specific) In Ear Monitoring questions...


TGF Recording Artist
Still trying to wrap my mind around an IEM system for our band. Right now, the need is to have something the drummer and I can listen to during practice.

If the source is an MP3 of the song on Soundcloud, what's the best route to get that into our IEM ear pieces?

I considered using my iPhone to pull the song from Soundcloud, then have an adapter from the iPhone into our PA head (Peavey XR500C), then plugging an Xvive transmitter into the PA head and using that transmitter to send to Xvive receiver packs with our In Ears running from them.

But... the PA is primarily used to amplify my vocals. And we don't want the full song blaring out of the PA speakers...

We can use a laptop/MacBook instead of an iPhone if need be, but how do we broadcast two signals (three when we finally get a guitar player) to the IEM receiver packs?

All we've bought so far is the actual In Ears, so we still need some sort of transmitter and receiver set up, presumably.

Open to any and all suggestions... TIA!
The XR500C is pre stone age, so not much you can do really. Doesn't appear to be possible having something going into a channel without it going to the mains at all times.
The XR500C is pre stone age, so not much you can do really. Doesn't appear to be possible having something going into a channel without it going to the mains at all times.
Yep. Suggestions for another option?

I found an app that can sync blutooth devices, called AmpMe that might work. But, it’s $9.99 a week. Not a month, a week. In the short run that might be cheaper than buying an IEM transmitter and such, but the hardware has residual value in case I stop using it and need to sell… $40/month for an app feels like throwing away money.