Modding an Original Amp + Tubes


Hi. As an indie Audio engineer / guitarist - I bought a 1965 Blackface Champ off Ebay 2006 and had it modded by Kendrick Amps. A rock guitarist friend recorded and played on it - said it sounded amazing.

Recently, this guitarist turned around and said it was wrong to mod this amp as the resale value would be less as it wasn't an original amp. I replied it was modded to make it sound great for playing. Not planning to sell anyway. What do you think?

Tube Amp Warning - Guitar Tech to me - Be careful what you read on the internet - it can be wrong
After reading tech threads on matching impedance, hooked up an external 16 ohm Alnico Blue speaker with this amp and blew a 1A fuse and an upgraded 6550 Power Tube. Dodged a bullet. Changed back the upgraded unharmed GZ334 rectifier tube to a GE 5Y3 and the Tung Sol 6550 Power Tube to a GE 6V6. Amp plays fine.

What do you think?
Some people said leave the GZ34 and 6550 in as the amp was modded to use them - mismatching impedance caused things (Fuse + PT) to blow up. Just in case - ordered a Z-Matcher 100w Impedance Matcher to experiment.

- New and more powerful output transformer
- Feedback switch - choice of Raw Texas Tweed sound or Blackface Bass / Treble sound
- Presence switch - On / Off
- New 4 ohm Kendrick Speaker
- Line Out
- Speaker Out


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If it sounds good to you and you are happy, that is all that matters. Lots of gear snobs and cork sniffers on these forums like to tell everyone how it should be, just ignore them or make them look stupid.