Midi loop switcher and multi fx

Spaced Out Ace

Thinking of upgrading from my Boss MS-3 to a midi loop switcher and a multi fx. I'd patch in some drives (Marshall reissue pedals) to pair with the clean channels on my Synergy Syn-2 preamps with OS modules.

Maybe something like a One Control OC-10, MusicomLab Mk VI, etc. For the multi fx, I'm contemplating maybe a Helix (I could probably get by with the 4 loops without an external switcher) or Boss GT1000/Core.

What do you guys think?
For the loop switcher, I'd check if the Morningstar ML5 or ML10X satisfies your needs. I've got the ML5 and it works well, just doesn't have things like loop ordering, or splitting to pre/post in any convenient way.

But Helix will work pretty great on its own, and you might want to compare your favorite drives and see if the Helix models will do the job for you. I felt I could get them to sound the same as the drives I had.
For the loop switcher, I'd check if the Morningstar ML5 or ML10X satisfies your needs. I've got the ML5 and it works well, just doesn't have things like loop ordering, or splitting to pre/post in any convenient way.

But Helix will work pretty great on its own, and you might want to compare your favorite drives and see if the Helix models will do the job for you. I felt I could get them to sound the same as the drives I had.
Fair point. I'm contemplating a GigRig G3 instead of getting a Musicomlab or RJM Mastermind.

I was looking at the manual of the ML10, trying to wrap my head around how to use the Y cables and program it. It's a nice option price wise, but it made me tap out mentally.
Fair point. I'm contemplating a GigRig G3 instead of getting a Musicomlab or RJM Mastermind.

I was looking at the manual of the ML10, trying to wrap my head around how to use the Y cables and program it. It's a nice option price wise, but it made me tap out mentally.
It's probably one of those products that is much easier to understand when you actually own the device.

ML5 is super easy to use.
If I’d go for an analog board again I’d do:
- Morningstar looper ml5/10
- either Boss core + Luminite M2
- Or a Quad Cortex

On paper the Hx stomp would do will in the GT cores spot…I just don’t gel with L6…but others seem to get great results with them.
The Luminite looks cool.

I'm leaning towards the One Control OC-10, Boss GT1000 Core, and an expression pedal.