All you're likely to get here are anecdotal answers, which do you no good. If you really want good info to help you make the right choice, go to a dealership of the brand you're considering, and talk to a few mechanics in the back. And if you have a shop that does European-brand repairs, even better. Ask them too. They see a good cross section.
I had a new Lincoln LS way back in 2000 that I had no serious issues with. But that model later became known for electrical problems. But if someone had asked me about that car, I'd have recommended it. Turns out, many years later, 2 different friends of mine had had the same car. And both had electrical problems.
One of the things that make me roll my eyes, is when someone says, "Oh yeah, my car is great. No problems at all." And it has 40K miles on it. Ok, come back to me when it has 140K.
But no matter what you get, I agree you should have several thousand dollars available at all times for repairs. Fuck these "repair warranties" I hear about on the radio.