Kiko is out. Boo.

If Teemu or whatever his name is plays anything like Chris Broderick, then I can't wait for his replacement. Chris was dull as fuck. He sounded like a Guitar Pro file.
Teemu Mantysaari


Based on listening to a bit of Wintersun, Teemu has been worshipping on the altars of Yngwie, Alexi Laiho and all the Finnish melodic/power metal guitarists. Interesting choice for Megadeth, but if Dave called one day and asked "Hey wanna play in Megadeth?" who would say no?

My "6 degrees to Dave Mustaine" is that back in the day I bought my Axe-Fx 2 from Jari Mäenpää, the lead singer/rhythm guitarist of Wintersun.
This exit was very weird. But not in a argumentative or trash talk sort of way which Dave has certainly been guilty of in the past. We'll see where Kiko lands after this. Great player but I really only know him in the context of Megadeth. For better or worse.