It's All Different. It's All Good.

la szum

TGF Recording Artist
Amp in the room. Headphones. "FRFR". Studio Monitors. IEM. It's all different. Pretty much come to the
realization that each of those is a distinct category, with it is own unique properties. There is simply no
way to collapse the loud amp in the room vibe---while playing live with other musicians---into the studio
monitors box. Just not happening. Likewise, with trying to shoehorn a different sort of monitoring/playback
system into another.

I am also convinced that they are not only all different, but that each can be good to great. I love the
stereo imaging of using a modeler with the playback system of a set of studio monitors. Sitting
in the middle of that is :love with some tones. I can't get that kind of imaging with a tube amp and cab,
no matter how big the cab is, or isn't. At the same time, I can't get the air moving, and the HEFT in tone
with studio monitors that I can with a cooking amp and guitar cab. Studio monitors will never get my
tone that big and impactful.

Just feels to me like some of us (all of us? most of us?) run into issues when we try to get one of these
monitoring solutions to be another. Maybe we just need to enjoy them for what they are, what they offer,
and what they don't---and not try to make one of them mimic another one of them.

Play on! :rawk

Exactly different and all good in their own right, just depends on preference and application
For me nothing better than 2 Powered cabs for the tones i want in my room

Current  2023.jpg
Very much agreed.

The right tool for the job applies to more than just hammers and screwdrivers. And even then, I consider these things to be icing on the cake; I’m very grateful that I experienced guitar-life before we had all these options. Even when I started buying professional gear it was still limited considerably in comparison to what we have today. We didn’t even consider perfect solutions, we were just stoked to play.
I love the simple, clean layout. So I just looked this model up and saw a blue version -- really liking that.
Yeah i love the Blue one would have went with that but no stock so i took the gold
Love the SD Inverted Hotrail and have to say that bridge stays very well in tune only goes out slightly with heavy abuse
all in all Fantastic Hardware for its price
mine just needed some fret work done and some action adjusted to my liking
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pretty much why i never understand the i am selling everything in this category and will only use this other category moving forward threads.

you are a better musician if you can get good results from all different types of setups. i think you need to be able to use your ears to hear what is happening in the room, use your brain to understand what needs to be dialed in and should be flexible enough to know what is the right tool for the job. i think the best musicians have figured this out and can quickly prepare themselves for the situation they are in that day so that the gear is not a distraction but actually helps them create music.
Very much agreed.

The right tool for the job applies to more than just hammers and screwdrivers. And even then, I consider these things to be icing on the cake; I’m very grateful that I experienced guitar-life before we had all these options. Even when I started buying professional gear it was still limited considerably in comparison to what we have today. We didn’t even consider perfect solutions, we were just stoked to play.

So very true! I hope I never lose that innocence and enthusiasm about how cool and awesome music is,
and especially being able to play it. Or get played by it! :beer