Is It Creepy We Can Geo-Track Our Local Delivery Drivers in Real Time?

la szum

TGF Recording Artist
Not like we are being constantly surveilled is it? Nah, that would never happen. :facepalm

Snapshot of me waiting for a delivery today.

Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 15-50-10 Follow My Delivery UPS - United States.png
It’s been too convenient for me to see it as creepy, especially when it comes to Uber Eats and I pay for priority deliveries then watch the driver go all over the f*cking city. Or when they’re parked across the street calling me saying they can’t find my place. Helped me catch a deliver of a guitar at work a couple times when I’ve been running around and didn’t have time to wait in my office.

I suppose in the sense that we’re paying someone for a delivery service, I don’t find it creepy to look on and see that they are indeed doing what they’re supposed to be doing.
I just think about how 24/7 surveillance is convenient AND creep-a-rific. :crazy

It's cool, though. As long as we are good boys and girls.
And yeah, he was already on MY Street and now is a few miles away. Why? I am sure there is some logic
to it, and how the truck was packed this morning. Big shit goes on first, and comes off last. I hope.
It's the year 2029. Climate change has ravaged the land. Society is on the brink of collapse. The wealthy hoard resources in their underground, air conditioned compounds while the common man struggles to maintain Internet connection in their above ground dwellings. They have made the call - two medium size pineapple and ham pizzas are enroute. Only one man is brave enough to deliver them past the hacker bandits who are tracking the delivery at every turn. This is the story of Max, an Uber Eats driver.

mad max GIF
Mad Max Comics GIF
Rock N Roll Guitar GIF by patternbase
This used to work here with UPS but the last couple things I got I no longer saw the option. Was actually moar frustrating to use, though, as like you said, the little brown fooker comes awful close about 5 times and then goes far away before magically appearing outside.