I just had a glass of milk for the first time in 4 years.

Love milk, whole milk of course. I don't drink it as often anymore, but drank TONS of it growing up. My grandfather had milk cows, so fresh raw milk from the tank set the standard.
Not Pasteurized? They used to make cream, cheese, cakes etc. because so many people died of The Milks. The water was also poison/sewage, which is why they drank beer and wine before coffee and tea came to Europe.
Not Pasteurized? They used to make cream, cheese, cakes etc. because so many people died of The Milks. The water was also poison/sewage, which is why they drank beer and wine before coffee and tea came to Europe.
Not pasteurized or homogenized, from cow to cooling tank to my mouth! :) The hygiene regulations for milk farmers here are super strict, none in my family ever got sick from the milk.
Not pasteurized or homogenized, from cow to cooling tank to my mouth! :) The hygiene regulations for milk farmers here are super strict, none in my family ever got sick from the milk.
I can't donate blood because I ate beef and drank milk in the UK back in 1981 or thereabouts. Mad Cow disease. Avian flu appeared in cattle due to their feed, I think. In Australia, it is really illegal after a child died and others were seriously ill. There might be a cheese or two still allowed.
Love milk, whole milk of course. I don't drink it as often anymore, but drank TONS of it growing up. My grandfather had milk cows, so fresh raw milk from the tank set the standard.

My Grandparents had a small Dairy Herd. I can remember my Grandma churning Butter.

I can also remember the local Milkman who had a truck and delivered Raw Milk in Glass
Bottles, and then would pick up the empty Bottles and bring back fresh every 3 or 4 days.
Unpasteurized, so you had to drink that stuff fast.

No Milk = No Cheese = No Butter = No Cream = No Yogurt = No Good! :LOL:
The proper use of milk, according to the Irish:
Not pasteurized or homogenized, from cow to cooling tank to my mouth! :) The hygiene regulations for milk farmers here are super strict, none in my family ever got sick from the milk.

This was exactly my experience visiting my uncle’s dairy farm. As a special treat we would skim the top of the tank where all the cream had settled before he turned on the big stirring/mixing blades. Happy memories.
Love milk, whole milk of course. I don't drink it as often anymore, but drank TONS of it growing up. My grandfather had milk cows, so fresh raw milk from the tank set the standard.
Raw milk is the way to go. Although it is different, no sugar or enhancers added.

Sugar (high fructose corn syrup is added to almost everything in the US and we wonder why we have health/obesity issues.

Used to love milk (whole milk only), but I'm starting to get a bit more sensitive to it.

Yogurt is fine because of the bacteria aids in digestion, and I do ok with cheese if I want milk ocasionally, I'll go with goat milk and zero issues.
Raw milk is the way to go. Although it is different, no sugar or enhancers added.

Sugar (high fructose corn syrup is added to almost everything in the US and we wonder why we have health/obesity issues.

Used to love milk (whole milk only), but I'm starting to get a bit more sensitive to it.

Yogurt is fine because of the bacteria aids in digestion, and I do ok with cheese if I want milk ocasionally, I'll go with goat milk and zero issues.
I do like yogurt and cottage cheese but the milk was disappointing.
Totally wrong! It's what the big pasteurization industry want's us to think!! Raw milk is the best milk, the best milk! Everybody knows!

For those in the dark pasteurization is nothing more than heating stuff up, for milk it's around 75°C.
When I was little we used to get raw milk, but luckily even though just common peasants everybody were smart enough to actually boil it!
Although there were a few instances when I drank freshly milked milk from my grandmom's goats or neighbor cows. Still warm and foamy.
Used to just love milk. Now I almost hate it in its raw form, way prefer some sorts of oat milk over it (most oat milk is waaaay too sweet, though).
Still just love joghurt and cheese (and sometimes curd) in fact, these are the two reasons I fail at going vegan (I'm 95% vegetarian since years).
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I've never been a 'drink a glass of milk' kinda guy. Even when I was a kid. I loved chocolate milk and cereal milk.
Love the cheese though. Coconut milk is good too.
Well, raw milk is illegal in Australia but not New Zealand, Scandinavia but not Germany, Canada but not the USA... weird.

E coli, tuberculosus, diptheria, salmonella, typhoid, Cryptosporidium, Lysteria, H5N1... it must taste better than aged Grange Hermitage to risk it.