I just had a glass of milk for the first time in 4 years.


The wife and I did three years on the keto diet. It worked well but she tired of it and apparently I did as well, by extension. We still avoid sugar and such and rarely eat grains but this past year we consider ourselves free to try stuff again.

I’ve got to say that milk is the weirdest thing I used to really like. It’s like swallowing liquid fat with a strange sweet undertone. I just don’t know, man. I’m not a fan.
Last time I had some milk was about 2 years ago. My girl and I were at a restaurant and I ordered I think a piece of chocolate cake for desert and asked the waitress if they had milk. She said yes, so I said bring it! The perfect combo. Drank a lot as a kid, but as an adult, it has been absent from my regular diet for decades with the occasional exceptions like the one above. With the right item (brownies, chocolate cake, etc.), it can be a magical liquid. On it's own, meh! Just be sure to hold back the tears if it gets spilt!
been allergic to the stuff since birth- will cook with it, but the idea of drinking it is a no go. once in a blue blue moon ill have chocolate milk as a recovery drink, but gak... straight milk no.
It's been years since I drank milk. My parents forced us to drink a glass of skim milk every night at supper growing up. Detested the stuff. I switched to whole milk as an adult, but only for cereal or dunking cookies. I quit buying breakfast cereal about 10 years ago and that was the end of me and milk. Still enjoy cheese, butter and ice cream, though, so it's not an overall aversion to dairy. Just don't enjoy milk as a "drink".
Milk on kimg
Judge Judy What GIF
I have a milkshake at Maccas occasionally with an Angus burger and some nuggets. I think they call them a Chocolate Frappé now.