I can’t get away from tube amps…


Rock Star
Why do they sound so much better? Why can’t I stop thinking about them?

I keep replaying that scene in Parks & Rec when they have the hamburger cook off.

I spend all this time dialing in my digital rig and I’m so excited about how good it sounds.

Then I flip on a lowly Marshall Origin at a shop in between shows and immediately it sounds 100x better with zero effort…

Guitar Center has 48 month financing on Marshall’s right now… I think I’m gonna have to pick something up

I can't answer that question directly (because I still haven't built the enclosures for the 2 speakers I bought), but several guys who have the Celestion F12-X200s swear they make a modeler sound just like a real Amp where I'm at.
No issue here friend. If digital isn't your thing then don't force it. Tubes are the best.

What about modeling into tube fx loop? This is a very happy medium for me at least.

But even if thats not your thing just do what is fun. That's the whole point of all of this.
I’m thinking for now I’ll end up keeping my Axe FX rig, but I’m at least buying something cheap like an Origin 50 and start building out something around that. If nothing else just for fun.

It’s a thousand times more satisfying for me to play through
Interesting. I have an ADA MP-1/Mesa Stereo 50/50, a Tri Axis/2:90, and a DR, with 2 Mesa 4x12 cabs, and I occasionally use a Mesa 20/20 with the Axe III thru the real cabs, and of all 4 setups, I prefer the III thru headphones! Actually the ADA still sounds amazeballs. Maybe the Tri Axis and/or 2:90 need new tubes. In fact, I'm almost sure they do. I bought them used.

If it didn't sound so good thru just headphones, I might actually go swapping tubes around, because I'm pretty sure the preamp tubes in my ADA are still good, and same for all the ones in my DR. And I think the ones in the 50/50 are also good, so that would give me 8 "known" good power tubes to try in the 2:90, but I just don't feel like messing with it. Lol

I guess I could at least try the 50/50 with the Axe thru the cabs...:unsure:
It's been said many times before -- modeling is trying to capture the best aspects of tube amplification. The purest form will always feel the best imo. Is it consistent, no, but when it's on it has that certain something in the room that can't be beat. Doesn't mean modeling sucks or can't do that too, it's just different and not quite as... vibey.
Interesting. I have an ADA MP-1/Mesa Stereo 50/50, a Tri Axis/2:90, and a DR, with 2 Mesa 4x12 cabs, and I occasionally use a Mesa 20/20 with the Axe III thru the real cabs, and of all 4 setups, I prefer the III thru headphones! Actually the ADA still sounds amazeballs. Maybe the Tri Axis and/or 2:90 need new tubes. In fact, I'm almost sure they do. I bought them used.

If it didn't sound so good thru just headphones, I might actually go swapping tubes around, because I'm pretty sure the preamp tubes in my ADA are still good, and same for all the ones in my DR. And I think the ones in the 50/50 are also good, so that would give me 8 "known" good power tubes to try in the 2:90, but I just don't feel like messing with it. Lol

I guess I could at least try the 50/50 with the Axe thru the cabs...:unsure:

I have my Axe3 in a 4U rack with a Mesa 20/20. That’s my primary rig for the weekly get-togethers with a few friends of mine (2 guitars, keys, bass, drums). I occasionally will bring one of my tube amps, but for the variety of stuff we do the Fractal is a much better fit.
Why do they sound so much better? Why can’t I stop thinking about them?

I keep replaying that scene in Parks & Rec when they have the hamburger cook off.

I spend all this time dialing in my digital rig and I’m so excited about how good it sounds.

Then I flip on a lowly Marshall Origin at a shop in between shows and immediately it sounds 100x better with zero effort…

Guitar Center has 48 month financing on Marshall’s right now… I think I’m gonna have to pick something up

Because modeling isn't there yet.
It's been said many times before -- modeling is trying to capture the best aspects of tube amplification. The purest form will always feel the best imo. Is it consistent, no, but when it's on it has that certain something in the room that can't be beat. Doesn't mean modeling sucks or can't do that too, it's just different and not quite as... vibey.

You nailed it. I will just add that no matter how loud you turn up even a tube power amp thats being used for a modeler you can't get the visceral experience or the organic connection. As they like to say IYKYK IYDYD. I have tried again and again.
I’m thinking for now I’ll end up keeping my Axe FX rig, but I’m at least buying something cheap like an Origin 50 and start building out something around that. If nothing else just for fun.

It’s a thousand times more satisfying for me to play through

Same and I keep being the monkey trying to fit the square peg into the round hole. I have heard folks say it's more noticeable on clean and edge of breakup but I definitely notice it in high gain applications also. A Tubescreamer or SD-1 into a Marshall tube amp cannot be matched by anything else.

I know why I keep trying. It's the convenience and the options that digital modeling brings. I have always been someone who loves options but I got lost somewhere along the way becoming obsessed with how much I can do with this fancy doo dad.

I just noticed your Douglas Adams quote. (y) I'm a HUGE fan of the man! One of my favorites by him:

“For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.”
Don’t expect out of modeling what it isn’t intended to provide and you wont be disappointed. Modeling primarily aims to recreate an indistinguishable sound at the monitoring solution as your miced up amp. In my opinion, it does. It does not come without some adjustment and noticeable differences from being in the room with that amp. There is no getting around that. If you must have those differences, by all means, use an amp.
Those Origins are cheap! Every time I’m checking GC‘s used amps I have to stop myself from going up and trading this DRRI in for one because I know I can get a lot more for the DRRI, but I want a Marshall, damnit!

I need to look into those amps more, I was reading recently they’re a great clean platform.
Those Origins are cheap! Every time I’m checking GC‘s used amps I have to stop myself from going up and trading this DRRI in for one because I know I can get a lot more for the DRRI, but I want a Marshall, damnit!

I need to look into those amps more, I was reading recently they’re a great clean platform.

I have two Origins, a 20W combo and a 50W combo. The 20 has been the living room amp for about six months now. Killer amps, though not exactly versatile on their own.