HM Strats and Micro Tilts and Pickup Changes


So looking for a little advice here. I have a mutt of an HM Strat. 88 body, 91 neck. I yanked the electronics as I gave away the prototype Super 3 years ago and outfitted it with my own combo of Evolution, HS-4 and Air Norton S for the neck. I can only take the neck pickup so far down as it’s taller than the stock singles. I’ve always just kind of dealt with it but it’s pretty close to the strings when measuring the distance and I’d like to address this. I don’t have the tools or ability myself to do much in the way of drilling/routing for even just deepening for the electronics. However, given how the guitar is outfitted from the get go I wonder if an alternative is possible.

The guitar has the micro tilt function on it. It’s at the base of the heel so I could effectively use it as a shim to set a small angle to help the strings clear the pickup where it is a little easier. I could then adjust the other pickup heights to where I generally like them, and raise the bridge slightly (being mindful of the spring paths in relation to the body) to compensate for this. It’s a bit of work but could be worthwhile. My question for someone like @Eagle or anyone with more repair and setup experience than I have would be is this a viable and decent solution? Pros? Cons? Should I just take it to a tech luthier and have them do some additional routing for it anyway? Probably wouldn’t be more than a 1/4” of routing at most in those cavities but just weighing my options here. Thanks all! I appreciate the feedback.
Dissassembly and reassembly isn’t an issue for me either. I’ve done it to this one a couple times. I’m honestly ok with assembly/disassembly/electronic wiring/basic setups/intonation. Physical body modifications, nut work and fretwork are where I know I’m outclassed and take it to someone else.
No it’s not a good idea.
Adding to the neck angle has most effect at the bridge. The amount of clearance it would add for the neck pickup is negligible. You need to deepen the rout
Are you saying that if you alter the neck-to-body angle, in the direction that raises the strings higher away from the body of the guitar, that you would have less of an increase of distance from the strings to the neck PU, than the bridge?
Yes. That’s what it would be. Because it’s an angle and the closer you are to the origin point of the angle the smaller the distance increase. The further out you are, the higher. I just needed someone else to explain it to me first before I went through without thinking about it.
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