Help identifying old guitar cable

This one is dumb and I am sorry up front.

Back in the 80's I had bought and old Westone from a friend and it came with the best guitar cable ever. It was nice and thick, straight jack on both ends, super flexible and it had tiny pin's next to the jack on each end that would kill the circuit until it was plugged in. I thought I remembered it being a big name brand at the time but for the life of me I can't remember what it was.

I am getting old and it's driving me nuts.
I remember it but also can’t recall the brand. I think it was sold under a distributor name in the UK . I remember the jack with the pin .
I would suggest you get the cable you like and a Neutrik silent jack and make it up yourself. It will almost certainly be better than the one you remember.
This one is dumb and I am sorry up front.

Back in the 80's I had bought and old Westone from a friend and it came with the best guitar cable ever. It was nice and thick, straight jack on both ends, super flexible and it had tiny pin's next to the jack on each end that would kill the circuit until it was plugged in. I thought I remembered it being a big name brand at the time but for the life of me I can't remember what it was.

I am getting old and it's driving me nuts.
Not sure but they make a modern version. I’ve added these Neutrik silent switching ends to all of my guitar cables and they work flawlessly for exactly what you described.

Thanks all, I knew about the Neutrik stuff, I just was trying to remember what the other ones were. For sure they are no longer on the market it really just drives me nuts my memory of the brand is lost.
I don't remember the brand but it sounds like one i had. It was really thick and the jacks were huge. Maybe brass? I'm not sure what happened to it. I remember the guy at the store telling me how great it was.
I don't remember the brand but it sounds like one i had. It was really thick and the jacks were huge. Maybe brass? I'm not sure what happened to it. I remember the guy at the store telling me how great it was.
Kay was the brand.
A few months back, I went thru my old Marine footlocker and found some old cables, mostly Rapco and Whirlwind cable.
They sounded as good as my Mogami, Planet Wave and Monster Cables. 🤔
Also Electro Harmonix made a brass plug one with the pin. I remember them because both of the ones I had eventually broke.
A few months back, I went thru my old Marine footlocker and found some old cables, mostly Rapco and Whirlwind cable.
They sounded as good as my Mogami, Planet Wave and Monster Cables. 🤔
What was the cable on the Mogami? Whirlwind cable was pretty good and definitely better than Monster Cables.
Also Electro Harmonix made a brass plug one with the pin. I remember them because both of the ones I had eventually broke.
I wondered who actually made the plug because it was pretty much only on a Kay cable in the UK way back.
What was the cable on the Mogami? Whirlwind cable was pretty good and definitely better than Monster Cables.
Yep, can't remember Whirlwind cables failing unless it was a catastrophic event. Pretty sure I still have a mic cable that's from around '95?
But I did have 3 Monster cables fail from very normal use. I do still have one of their power strips that's been fairly solid though.