Guitarist of the Decade

Newlight No GIF by John Mayer
Sad Jim Carrey GIF
The test here is to try and NOT be subjective and robotically list your own preferences. I know it's
a challenge, but I believe in you guys, and gals. :beer

Alright. After hours... nay, days of sussing over all of the possibilities, I'm going with this guy:

Unknown Hinson

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Definitely agree with Tosin/Periphery/Plini/djent guys leading the pack in the 2010’s. Just look at the gear that came out in the last 14 years aimed at doing the djent thing, from ERG’s to pedals to amps, I have never seen a genre define gear like that in my 31 years as a player. Those guys are the EVH of the modern era and guys like Petrucci or Devin Townsend will back that up, they both said on that Beato interview that they’d be backstage and have no clue how the fuck Tosin was doing what he was doing.

The early 00’s had that whole New Wave Of American Heavy Metal with Killswitch, LoG, Slipknot, Shadows Fall, etc, I definitely got into that whole scene at the time.

Hard for me to look at things from an outside looking in POV, I get so entrenched in my own listening tastes and shut out a lot of other stuff.

I don’t think I’ll ever understand the Mayer thing. I see his face making those expressions like he’s feelin’ it, but that’s not what my ears ever pick up from his playing. I haven’t heard him doing any Dead stuff as I’m not a Dead fan, but I heard his trio music and the best I could sum it up is “blues for the upper middle class”.