Getting Another Strat Today.

4th day with a Strat:
Congrats! You are both better than I am. :LOL:

Can't wait to hear you busting out them 'Tallica riffs and licks on a 50's Strat Met! :wat

I thought this wasn’t too bad for those kind of tones. This is a DiMarzio Area ‘61 in the bridge of a MIM Strat:

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It hasn't provoked my Inner Crooner yet. I guess I have to wait until tomorrow for that. :ROFLMAO:
@la szum has been very quiet today? He must be croonin' already.

Not nearly as much fun. Day 3 of all day used car shopping for the man child the Lord deemed me
fit to care for. :idk

We drove many a turd. A couple we didn't even get out of the parking lot, and I am like, "You want
what for it? And why the fuck are you letting someone drive this." :facepalm

Another I couldn't open the door and get out of when we returned from the test drive, and a gentleman
who was also driving vehicles there was kind enough to release me from used car prison. :LOL:

We didn't buy anything. Again. And by the end of it I am like... "Gooooooooooood Bye!"

Season 9 Nbc GIF by The Office