Get up, come on, get down with the sickness…. List your amps.

Ladies and Gentleman, I happily introduce the Joker. Sone people him the Amp Cowboy.

peavey 6505+
peavey supreme 160
crate gx130c
randall century 200
randall rg100es
marshall dsl100h
monomyth marshall origin
marshall class 5 head
laney gh100s
ampeg vh140c
ampeg v50h
fender metalhead
Cameron Mig 100
Kerry King prototype krank
Mesa Triple G
Mesa iic+
Hermansson Carlsbro 60
some other bullshit
Fender Champ 25
Carvin Legacy
Mesa Studio Pre
Dual Rec*
Peavey XXX
Peavey XXL
Hot Rod Deluxe
’65 Deluxe Reverb

Mesa Traditional 4x12 (my favorite)
Mesa OS 4x12
Carvin Legacy 4x12 (Greenback version)
Mesa 2x12 w/Black Shadows
Line 6 2x12 w/WGS Retro 30’s
80’s random Carvin 4x12
Marshall 4x10 (that I never even plugged in, someone traded me a rack EQ for it)

*I don’t know how many 5150’s and Dual Rec’s I had, but for two years I just switched back and forth whenever I’d see one in a store or a friend was interested in trading. I know I had at least 4 5150’s and 2 6505’s, but they might have been the same ones. That period of life is a bit fuzzy. I still get tingly when I see a 6505 for under $750. There’s 2 local to me that I need to make myself not buy until I get a good boomer amp first.
Bluguitar Amp1, and a Fractal FM9. Simple and sweet.

I use the Blug 95% of the time because I prefer playing through a real cab, but I like having the Fractal around for recording / messing around and exploring other stuff. It's very handy when sitting at the computer and trying to learn a song or whatever. I use the Plexi 100 model on the Fractal most of the time as well, so I guess I'm not very adventurous? I tried a bunch of amps in there and it jumped out at me. It does what I want. :rofl
Are these amps we have owned or amps we currently own right now? Me worrying about owning 2 modelers seems a little tame in comparison to some of you guys :rofl

If we're talking all time amps......

Peavey 5150 II
ENGL Steve Morse
Mesa Boogie Mark V
Jet City JCA20H (friedman modded)
Orange Thunderverb 50
Peavey 5150
Sunn 200s
Sunn Concert Lead
Fryette Pittbull 50CL
Mesa Boogie Mark III
1965 Fender Bandmaster
Randall Diavlo 45
Fryette Sig X
Fender 68 DRRI
Fender hot rod deluxe
Fender hot rod deville
Marshall DSL401c
Fender Blues deluxe reissue
Fender Twin Reverb Reissue
Rivera Duo twelve
Mesa boogie rectoverb 50
mesa boogie express 5:50+

Plus the three I mentioned earlier in the thread that I currently own. I might be forgetting a few in there too :rofl

I think thats still a pretty short list compared to a lot of forum guys tho :cop
Are these amps we have owned or amps we currently own right now? Me worrying about owning 2 modelers seems a little tame in comparison to some of you guys :rofl

@RaceU4her is that Metalhead? Always wondered about that one.

I listed all my ownED amps. I’m down to just the DRRI and XXL right now.
I've always just owned one amp at a time that I use for everything. Occasionally two amps that I use in stereo.

Former amps I've owned:

Bad Cat Cub II
Bad Cat Cub IIR
Bad Cat Black Cat
Crate GX-15
Dr Z Jaz 20/40
Dr Z Maz Jr
Epiphone Blues Custom 30
Fender Deluxe Reverb RI
Fender Twin (silverface early 70s)
Fender Super Reverb RI
Fender CyberTwin
Fender CyberTwin SE
Fender Mustang IV
Fender Deluxe Reverb Tone Master
Fender Twin Reverb Tone Master
Fender Blues Deluxe
Fender Pro Junior
Hughes & Kettner Edition Tube 20th Anniversary
Line 6 Flextone II XL
Matchless Clubman 35
Mesa Dual Rectifier
Mesa Mark IV
Marshall DSL50
Orange AD30HTC
Peavey Delta Blues
Peavey Classic 30
Rivera Knucklehead 55
THD Univalve
THD BiValve
Vox AC30cc
Vox AC30hw2
Vox AC15cc
ZT Lunchbox

I know I'm forgetting some... :unsure:

Current amps I own:

Crate GX-15
÷13 JRT 9/15
Marshall DSL40CR

Future amps I plan to own:

Crate GX-15
@metropolis_4 - you know what's funny, I just started making an inventory of all the stuff I have and the stuff I would like to have (either stuff I want to keep after downsizing or stuff I want to buy).