g12h30 minus the celestion top end ring?


anybody know of a speaker that has the lightness and top and bottom end of an h30 (both really crush it at filling out an open back 112!), that just doesnt have the celestion top end shrang? i love em regardless, and hoped that the fane f70 would be close- and its an amazing speaker minus the ring- but bottom end doesnt develop without watts or eq. :/

i genuinely love my h30, and 60 watts+ would be mo better... but ultimately its the ring when its overdriving that makes me pull it out.. anything out there that could pull small ob combo duty and pull the illusion of size?

gracias all!
I have a couple cabs I put four different speakers in each for recording, just pulled the g12h30 and greenback out cause I just can’t take the high end, if you want to stay celestion I’d say g12-65, it’s the smoothest of the celestions but still has “enough” top of that makes sense
I have a couple cabs I put four different speakers in each for recording, just pulled the g12h30 and greenback out cause I just can’t take the high end, if you want to stay celestion I’d say g12-65, it’s the smoothest of the celestions but still has “enough” top of that makes sense

nah- im good changing brands as well as long as the sorta sonic footprint stays close! i can get away with dropping gain (over evms that dont buzz)- and for now, i think thats gonna be my stopgap, but i look now and again to see if something new came along i missed.

i dont mind the top end quantity of the h30 at all for how i dial it in- its more the texture when it distorts that's a little bit grating, and hard to get clear. clean, i think its damn near perfect.
I went straight for the G12H75 Creamback because I had heard about the G12H30 Anniverary’s top end. Perhaps that’s a route you could take a look at if you are interested in the increased power handling as well.
I went straight for the G12H75 Creamback because I had heard about the G12H30 Anniverary’s top end. Perhaps that’s a route you could take a look at if you are interested in the increased power handling as well.

i love h75s, but they also have that ring! i think its a thing celestion kinda have dialed in as part of their sound. you dont even really notice it until you play it next to like an evm, or a fane, or an altec- and then you play a celestion and youre like... wait.. my chording up the neck gets FURRY on those.

im a TOTAL slob- so having that last degree of control over that is super helpful- especially with all strings ringing, cause the additional GRRrRrR hides a lot of stuff. i could just be less of a slob.. but at this point its kinda just how i play :LOL:
I guess you have to figure out which Eminence or WGS speaker might have similar voicing. Or maybe try e.g Scumback.
I guess you have to figure out which Eminence or WGS speaker might have similar voicing. Or maybe try e.g Scumback.

ya know.. i had a bl80 for a while, and liked it a lot, but sent it away with a buddy who needed a neutral speaker. hmm.. i dunno if they still make them!

ive never given scumbacks a try- but ill have a look. the other ones ive thought about are the weber thames and the reeves classic purple in the fane spirit- but they seem voiced for closed backs.

checkin scumback now! thanks!
G12H30s blow monkey chunks. :barf

Warehouse ET65s are worth a look... and a listen. :chef
G12H30s blow monkey chunks. :barf

Warehouse ET65s are worth a look... and a listen. :chef
haha.. aw man. they're really good for small combo boxes cause they sidestep boxiness, and theyre efficient as hell, so you can get a LOT of volume outa a low watt amp- so they have their uses, for sure! and they sound great with a v30 or a greenback in an old fender 212..

but i just need a less buzzy small combo box speak!

ill check the 65 though- the wgs speak i tried before didnt buzz!