Friedman IR-X Boost -- Which should I get/try?

Spaced Out Ace

So far I've tried the Boss BD-2W, DS-1W, and SD-1W. I liked the BD-2W the most for both channels, but would need a second BD-2W as the setting I prefer for each channel is different. The SD-1W and DS-1W work on Channel One quite well, but don't sound great on Channel Two. The former has a strange midrange character to it with Channel Two, while the latter doesn't pair well with the compression Channel Two has.

I still have some other pedals in my stash to try out, but I am curious what others are using and might suggest.

Just a few notes: I play rock and metal with some blues rock type stuff. I use humbuckers in the bridge for the most part, but have a few with single coils. I have single coils in the middle of quite a few of my guitars; neck position is a mix of humbucker depending on the guitar.

Most importantly, I am not really a fan of anything fuzzy, harsh, or overly scooped and bassy.
FWIW, I was using the Timmy model inside my Stomp XL to boost that channel 2, with nice results. It didn't seen to change the tone, just added more gain/sustain.

For clarity, that was just for channel 2, with channel 2's boost OFF.
FWIW, I was using the Timmy model inside my Stomp XL to boost that channel 2, with nice results. It didn't seen to change the tone, just added more gain/sustain.

For clarity, that was just for channel 2, with channel 2's boost OFF.
I think the "boost" on the IR-X is actually more or less an alternate drive/volume control, if memory serves. I know on the Jake E Lee version, the boost is a TS style overdrive sans tone control.
I am contemplating maybe getting a PastFX BLD (based on the TC Electronic Booster+ Linedriver and Distortion, which is what Scott Ian apparently used in the 80s with his Marshall) or a PastFX Mischief. I have quite a few Rat style pedals, but what would it hurt to have yet another? Lol
If you have an eq pedal laying around, try that in front of the bd to see if you can get it to work for both channels.

One of my fav drive pedals is the origin revival drive, the 2 channel version.